Friday, May 29, 2009

Quotes from the Sun

At Gas Station; Mural was there prior to purchase of the store in April 2009
Cedar Avenue & E 34th Street
Artist & Title Unknown
Photographed 05.23.2009

Even after all this time
the sun never says
to the earth
"you owe me."

Look what happens
with a love like that.
it lights the
whole sky.


  1. Isn't that such a GREAT quote for a wall? I love it. I ride past this one on the #22 on my way to work two days a week.

    (I'm chuckling to myself that looking at your blog is like some kind of matching game for me -- "Which bus goes past which mural?".)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, Twin Cities Murals, I am writing an essay on literary creativity. May I use your photo that has Hafiz poem please? I will cite your blog address in my essay if you do give me the permission. Many thanks.
